(BCLC) British Columbia Lottery Corporation

We have listed British Columbia Charitable Lotteries that have recurring lotteries and may not be current at time of viewing. These lotteries are intended for British Columbia residents ONLY.
Prince George
- PG Hospice Society Dream Home Lottery
- Prince George Hospice Society
- BC Children’s Hospital Lottery
- BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
- Hometown Heroes Lottery
- BC Professional Firefighters’ Burn Fund and Vancouver General Hospital
- Millionaire Designer Home Lottery
- Vancouver General Hospital and UBC Hospital
- PNE Prize Home
- Pacific National Exhibition
- Win a Vehicle or Cash!
- Vancouver Opera
- VSO Lottery
- Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of LotteryCharms.com® creator Ric Wallace.
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- Rotary Victoria Car Raffle
- Rotary Club of Victoria